5 Danger has a distended stomach

Here are some health problems that can occur if a person has a very distended abdomen, as reported by the Daily Health Post (27/02).

1. Decline in lung function
Years, a team of researchers from Finland found that the stomach is too big and the volume associated with decreased lung function. Compared with men who did not potbellied, men who have excess fat in the abdomen is known to have a bad score when a breathing test. If this is allowed, decreased lung function can lead to narrow the airway and cause chronic pulmonary disease or asthma.

2. Damage to the arteries
A study in 2012 found a link between excess abdominal with arterial stiffness. Researchers observed two men with abdominal obesity and obesity in general. They found that each 0.1 increase in the ratio of fat around the waist increases the risk of arterial damage. If left unchecked it can lead to heart diseases and stroke.

3. Destructive metabolic system
Accumulation of fat in the stomach to make the body produce hormones that inhibit the metabolic system. This could change the insulin receptors in the body, so the body begins to difficulty regulating blood sugar levels. Of course this will eventually lead to diabetes in a person.

4. Dementia and Alzheimer's disease
Research in 2010 found that the amount of fat in the abdomen associated with decreased brain volume. Decrease in brain volume will eventually lead to brain diseases such as dementia or Alzheimer's.

5. High cholesterol
Abdominal fat can be turned into fatty acids in the body that can lead to the emergence of LDL or bad cholesterol and triglycerides. Free fatty acids also led to reduced levels of good cholesterol in the body. concurrent with abdominal obesity and arterial damage, the bad cholesterol can lead to various diseases such as heart disease, high blood pressure, or stroke.

Those are some dangers that can be caused by excess fat in the abdomen. several factors such as genes can cause a person to the risk of having fat accumulation in the abdomen. But it can still be prevented by exercising and limiting the number of calories consumed each day.

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